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Today we are going to use Ansible to create DHCP Ranges in Infoblox. If you haven’t done so, please review the previous post on “Getting started with Infoblox and Ansible.” We are going to create a new container “”; two new templates, one for “Range Template” and the second for “Network Template” with “Range Template” added to it.

Let’s create the Network and DHCP Range templates

Create a /16 in the UI of Infoblox

Create a DHCP Range Template

Create a Network Template

Now that we have created container and Templates, let’s work on our Ansible playbook.

Ansible, Infoblox, and URI

We are going to use the URI module since the current Ansible module does not support DHCP range creation with DHCP Failover. Let’s get started with URI module and the Infoblox “func:nextavailablenetwork” API call.
Create a new YAML playbook and call it “uri1.yml” (again I’m not that creative):

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local

  - name: Get the next available network from
      url: ""
      method: POST
      user: admin
      password: infoblox
      status_code: 201, 302, 200
          Content-Type: "application/json"
        network: "func:nextavailablenetwork:,default,24"
      body_format: json
      validate_certs: no
      return_content: yes
    register: data

  - name: Display new network
      var: data.json

Let me explain the above code:

  • Line 8 – this is the URL we are going to use to make the API call to get the network from my GM (
  • Line 9 – method POST – this will create a new network
  • Line 10 and 11 – Username and Password, this is usually a bad practice but I’m using it as an example. You can find additional information here about using Ansible Vault
  • Line 16 – We are going to use the “Function” called “next available network” in WAPI. This will ask for the next network and return it for us to use.
Here is the network before we ran the playbook

Let’s run our playbook and look at the results:

$ ansible-playbook uri1.yml 

PLAY [localhost] *********************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Get the next available network from] *******************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Display new network] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "data.json": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuMS4xLjAvMjQvMA:"

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0 

NOTE: the above it gives us ““, let’s check what the UI looks like:

Notice we now have

Let’s now let’s use our Infoblox “templates” to create Network and DHCP Ranges with Ansible Playbook

If you haven’t already done so, please follow the videos above to create the “templates” we are going to use in the next playbook.

Let’s create a new Ansible Playbook for creating a Network and DHCP range in one playbook name it “create_a_new_dhcp_range.yml”:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local

  - name: Get the next available network from
      url: ""
      method: POST
      user: admin
      password: infoblox
      status_code: 201, 302, 200
          Content-Type: "application/json"
        network: "func:nextavailablenetwork:,default,24"
        template: "Network24User"
      body_format: json
      validate_certs: no
      return_content: yes
    register: data

  - name: Network and DHCP range created with Template Network24User
      var: data.json

Notice the playbook is almost the same except for line 17, where we added “template” to the “body” of the API call. Let’s run it and see the results:

$ ansible-playbook create_a_new_dhcp_range.yml 

PLAY [localhost] ************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Get the next available network from] **********************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Network and DHCP range created with Template Network24User] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "data.json": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuMS4zLjAvMjQvMA:"

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

The above shows that “” was created, so let’s see what the UI shows:

We see the “” in the UI and also notice a warning for “Restart” services because we added a new DHCP Range

Now let’s take a look at the DHCP Range:

As you can see we have the DHCP range and it’s assigned to the DHCP FO Association

Unfortunately, we have a “glitch” in our full automation of a network with DHCP Range. We have to restart services, so let’s add the option to do that to our playbook. Edit the above playbook to look like below:

- hosts: localhost
  connection: local

  - name: Get the next available network from
      url: ""
      method: POST
      user: admin
      password: infoblox
      status_code: 201, 302, 200
          Content-Type: "application/json"
        network: "func:nextavailablenetwork:,default,24"
        template: "Network24User"
      body_format: json
      validate_certs: no
      return_content: yes
    register: data

  - name: Network and DHCP range created with Template Network24User
      var: data.json

  - name: Restart Services 
      url: ""
      method: POST
      user: admin
      password: infoblox
      status_code: 201, 302, 200
      validate_certs: no

We added a second task that will restart services in Infoblox. Now let’s run this playbook and see the results:

$ ansible-playbook create_a_new_dhcp_range.yml 

PLAY [localhost] ************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Get the next available network from] **********************************************************
ok: [localhost]

TASK [Network and DHCP range created with Template Network24User] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "data.json": "network/ZG5zLm5ldHdvcmskMTAuMS40LjAvMjQvMA:"

TASK [Restart Services] ***************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost]

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=4    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

As we can see, the playbook completed without any issues. Let’s log into the UI and see if we have to restart services:

As you can see we don’t need to Restart Services in the UI, our playbook did it for us.


As you can see, it’s easy to create “Networks” and “DHCP Ranges” in Infoblox with Ansible playbooks.

Files are located here: GitHub

Sif Baksh Administrator
Principal Solutions Architect
As Principal Solutions Architect, Sif Baksh is responsible for the design of large-scale Core Services and Security systems. With 25 years of engineering experience in the computer and communications industry, Sif brings a depth of understanding of complex solutions for large and small organizations.
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