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In the two previous posts, I took you through getting started with Ansible and Infoblox. We are now going to look at tying those together with “nios_next_network”. We will learn to lookup single and multiple networks at the same time and create them as well.
Previous posts:
Ansible and Infoblox Getting Started
Ansible and Infoblox “lookup”

Our first step is creating a “Network Container” in NIOS. Yes, we are going to need to do this manually. The “infoblox-client” looks for a “Network Container” when making the API call. We will create a new “Container” using the CIDR “/16” This will be our network for the rest of the playbooks in this series.

infoblox UI container creation
Now we log into your Infoblox UI and create our “Container”
add network container network

First, we need to add a few networks in the UI. Let’s start with and, to show us how the API call will work in a semi-real life scenario.

adding a few networks

Getting started with “lookup” and “nios_next_network”

Let’s create our first playbook to find out what’s the “Next Available Network” we can use via Ansible. We’ll call it “lk_next_network.yml“. This will use the “lookup” with “nios_next_network”:

- hosts: nios
  connection: local
    - name: return the next available network for network
        networkaddr: "{{ lookup('nios_next_network', '', cidr=24, provider=nios_provider) }}"
        provider: "{{nios_provider}}"
    - name: check the networkviews
        var: networkaddr

[et_bloom_inline optin_id=”optin_2″]

Run the playbook and see what it returned:

$ ap lk_next_network.yml 

PLAY [nios] *****************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [return the next available network for network] ***********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [check the networkviews] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "networkaddr": [

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************              : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

You are probably wondering why it showing me “” instead of “”. That’s because we created in the UI. I wanted to give you an example of what would happen if a network already exists when using Ansible or any automation tool.

What if we wanted more than just one network to return? What does that look like? Let’s create a new playbook called “lk_next_network_more.yml” and pass in the “num” for the number of networks we want to return:

- hosts: nios
  connection: local
    - name: return the next 5 available network for network
        networkaddr: "{{ lookup('nios_next_network', '', cidr=24, num= 5, provider=nios_provider) }}"
        provider: "{{nios_provider}}"
    - name: check the networkviews
        var: networkaddr

Let’s take a look at the results:

$ ap lk_next_network_more.yml 

PLAY [nios] *****************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ******************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [return the next 5 available network for network] *********************************************************
ok: []

TASK [check the networkviews] ***********************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "networkaddr": [

PLAY RECAP ******************************************************************************************************************              : ok=3    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0  

Ok, this is great, we got 5 networks, but notice, it skipped “”. Remember, we created that one in the UI as well.

Create networks with “lookup” and “nios_next_network”

Next, you will learn to use the “loop” inside of a playbook and we are going to use that to create networks.
We are going to create a new file “create_a_new_network.yml” (again I’m not that creative with names). Most of it will look the same as above, but we added in “loop”. This will loop through the results and create the “network” using “state: present”.

- hosts: nios
  connection: local
    - name: return the next available IP subnet for network
        networkaddr: "{{ lookup('nios_next_network', '', cidr=24, provider=nios_provider) }}"
        provider: "{{nios_provider}}"
    - name: Print the subnet
        var: networkaddr
    - name: configure a network ipv4
        network: "{{ item }}"
        comment: this is a test comment
        state: present
        provider: "{{nios_provider}}"
      loop: "{{ networkaddr }}"

Take note of two things above, “{{ item }}” and “loop: “{{ networkaddr }}””. When we are looping through a simple output, it will always be “{{ item }}” for each value returned. In our case, we only have one value. Additional information can be found here. Now, let’s run the script and see the results:

$ ap create_a_new_network.yml 

PLAY [nios] **************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [return the next available IP subnet for network] **********************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Print the subnet] ***************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "networkaddr": [

TASK [configure a network ipv4] ******************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [] => (item=

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************              : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

Line 19 from the output above shows that we see a change made to “NIOS” and the “item=”. Let’s log into the UI and see the results:

We create “” and added a comment “this is a test comment”

Ok, now let’s step this up a bit and create “5” networks at once. We are going to create a new playbook called “create_a_new_multi_network.yml“. This is very similar to the last script, but we are going to add “num” to the number of network addresses to return from network-container:

- hosts: nios
  connection: local
    - name: return the next 5 available IP subnet for network
        networkaddr: "{{ lookup('nios_next_network', '', cidr=24, num=5, provider=nios_provider) }}"
        provider: "{{nios_provider}}"
    - name: Print the subnet
        var: networkaddr
    - name: configure a new IPv4 networks
        network: "{{ item }}"
        comment: Adding new networks
        state: present
        provider: "{{nios_provider}}"
      loop: "{{ networkaddr }}"

For the example above, we are going to ask for the 5 “next_network” using “num=5”. Let’s run the playbook and see what we get:

$ ap create_a_new_multi_network.yml 

PLAY [nios] **************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Gathering Facts] ***************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [return the next 5 available IP subnet for network] ****************************************************************************************
ok: []

TASK [Print the subnet] **************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "networkaddr": [

TASK [configure a new IPv4 networks] *************************************************************************************************************************
changed: [] => (item=
changed: [] => (item=
changed: [] => (item=
changed: [] => (item=
changed: [] => (item=

PLAY RECAP ***************************************************************************************************************************************************              : ok=4    changed=1    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0  

Take a look at the results:

Notice the networks that were created with the new comments

Notice, we skipped the “” since that was created in the UI. We have some limitations with “num” due to “infoblox-client” API allowing max “20” calls.


As you can see, it’s pretty interesting to use “loop” with “nios_next_network” to create multiple networks.
You can also use this simple method to create a network if you didn’t want to use loops:

- hosts: nios
  connection: local
   - name: create network
      network_view: ansibleNetView
        - name: domain-name
        Site: DC 1
      comment: Created with Ansible
      state: present
provider: "{{ nios_provider }}"

The next post will be on using “nios_next_ip”, which will return the next available IP address for a network.

Sif Baksh Administrator
Principal Solutions Architect
As Principal Solutions Architect, Sif Baksh is responsible for the design of large-scale Core Services and Security systems. With 25 years of engineering experience in the computer and communications industry, Sif brings a depth of understanding of complex solutions for large and small organizations.
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